Yoga Therapy

What is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga therapy is the process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and well-being through the application of the teachings and practices of yoga.

The goals of yoga therapy include eliminating, reducing or managing symptoms that cause suffering; improving function; helping to prevent the occurrence or re-occurrence of underlying causes of illness; and moving toward improved health and wellbeing. Yoga therapy also helps clients/students change their relationship to and identification with their condition.

–  International Association of Yoga Therapy

Benefits of Yoga

Current research shows that practicing yoga benefits a wide range of conditions and illnesses including, but not limited to, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, cancer, low-back pain, anxiety and depression. Research has shown that yoga reduces stress, lowers heart rate and blood pressure, improves sleep, elevates mood, alleviates pain, improves strength and flexibility, and improves overall quality of life.

Is Yoga Therapy Right for Me?

An injury does not have to be the driving force to seek a yoga therapist!  Yoga and movement are not “one size fits all” and I am here to help you understand your body better so you can pursue your life’s passions with ease.

Yoga therapy is ideal for you if you are seeking to:

    • Enhance your yoga practice by learning to avoid potential future injuries and understanding the therapeutic benefits each pose has to offer. 
    • Manage a chronic condition that requires a holistic approach to fill in the “gaps” in western medicine.
    • Prehab and cross-train.  Let’s design a custom practice that comprehensively fits all of your needs.

What to Expect?

Our visits are done virtually through a secure platform. We do not accept insurance. This means you are responsible for paying for your session before or at the time of your session.

Initial Assessment: 90 minutes, $175

During your first visit, we will review your assessment forms, health information, and individual goals. Additional assessments may also be done, including posture, gait, functional movement tests, sleep, nutrition, and pain.

You will then be given a set of practices designed to best meet your goals. Short daily practices have been shown to be most effective for establishing new healthy habits. Together we will determine a home routine you can comfortably commit to, usually about 15 minutes once or twice a day.

Follow-up Visit: 60 minutes, $150

In the one-on-one follow-up sessions, we will review your progress towards your individual goals and your experience with the home routine. The session blends manual therapy, movement re-education, therapeutic yoga, and related modalities for the highest quality rehabilitation experience. Modifications and additions will be provided as appropriate in order to customize your treatment plan to your body’s evolving needs throughout the healing process.